Best Movie Format Setting for Upload on Instagram


Instagram Video Sizes and Dimensions hibernate

Are you using video on Instagram to communicate, connect, and engage with your audition? Wondering what are the all-time video sizes and Instagram video formats are for everything from Instagram Stories to IGTV?

As video continues to increase in popularity, adding it to your core marketing strategy is critical. And with so many video options, it'south easy to practice!

But keeping rails of all the right Instagram video aspect ratios and dimensions tin can go out you scratching your caput. 🤔

That's why we've put together this complete guide, including an Infographic that you can pivot and save for later! 📌

Plus, we've included handy tips on how to put each and every Instagram video dimension to their best uses with handy marketing tips, ideas, and examples!

Let'due south take a await! 👀

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Let's Talk Instagram Video Specs

Earlier drilling down to the specific types of Instagram video and the purpose behind them, here are the overall sizes for any Instagram video:

  • Maximum xxx frames per second.
  • Maximum length of lx seconds.
  • Maximum file size of 4 GB.

What is the Instagram video max/min resolution?

In that location are five main min/max resolution requirements for your Instagram video, depending on where and how you'll post it. These size options encompass square, landscape, portrait, stories, and carousel videos!

  • Square video minimum resolution is 600 x 600. Max is 1080 x 1080.
  • Portrait video minimum resolution is 600 x 750. Max is 1080 x 1350.
  • Mural video minimum resolution is 600 x 315. Max is 1080 10 608.
  • Stories/reels/live video minimum resolution is 600 x 1067. Max is 1080 x 1920.
  • Carousel video minimum resolution is 600 x 700. Max is 1080 x 1080.

Allow's dive into the specifics of each beneath, also as some tips on how to use each Instagram video dimension for your marketing goals!

Instagram Video Aspect Ratios

Here are the aspect ratios for each IG video format to go on in mind:

  • Square Video – one:1 Attribute Ratio
  • Portrait Video – 4:v Aspect Ratio
  • Landscape Video – 1.91:1 to 16:nine (nosotros recommend sticking to a 16:ix attribute ratio. Trust us, it's easier to manage!)
  • Stories/Reels/Live Video – 9:16 Aspect Ratio
  • Carousel Video – You have some wiggle room with this aspect ratio. Y'all can upload carousel videos in square, portrait or landscape (1:1, iv:5, xvi:9). However, keep in heed that once you upload and choose one attribute ratio for your offset carousel video, all others in the serial will be cropped the same manner!

Start a Complimentary Trial of Tailwind for Instagram!

  • Schedule photos and videos directly to your Instagram feed with Motorcar Post.
  • Optimize every mail for more engagement with SmartSchedule and Hashtag Finder.
  • Automatically hide your post'south hashtags in the first comment to keep your caption clean & ataxia-gratuitous.
  • Make your posts more than discoverable with user tagging & location tagging.
  • Analyze what's working across every post and profile with smart analytics.

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Instagram Foursquare Video

  • Ideal Dimensions: 1080 10 1800px
  • Ideal Aspect Ratio: 1:1
  • Video Length: up to sixty seconds

For many years, the foursquare was the simply video ratio y'all could share on Instagram. But times they are a-changin' and now you don't have to brand all your IG videos square. You can shoot and upload them in square, vertical or horizontal aspect ratios. Thank goodness!

Still, square IG videos are however preferred by many, and you can use them when:

  • y'all want to have up more space
  • quickly capture audience attention
  • share an impactful moment,

or gear up the phase as Adidas did hither! ⬇

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Instagram Portrait Video

  • Platonic Dimensions: 1080 10 1350px
  • Platonic Aspect Ratio: 4:5
  • Video Length: upwards to 60 seconds

Instagram portrait video minimum resolution is 600 x 750. The max size for upload is 1080 x 1350.

Equally y'all might imagine, in that location's a slight difference in the presentation of a portrait video compared to a square video; it stretches a bit longer.

You can use it in the aforementioned way you utilise square, but this version gives room for:

  • more than text
  • call outs
  • calls to action
  • transcription of the content,

or a dog balancing h2o on its olfactory organ, because… who doesn't desire to see that?! 😂

Instagram Landscape Video

  • Ideal Dimensions: 1080 x 608px
  • Platonic Aspect Ratio: 1.91:one
  • Video Length: up to 60 seconds

This is where many people become tripped up when uploading their videos to Instagram. Mural video minimum resolution is 600 ten 315. The max is 1080 x 608.

To exist honest, landscape video is the least likely of all video dimensions to get used on Instagram, simply equally Wedding Dresses proves, it can be useful in sure situations.

Utilise landscape video to:

  • maintain the look and feel of a previously recorded video
  • share a more stylistic and creative presentation
  • or take your audition on a visual journey.

Instagram Stories Video

IG Stories video minimum resolution is 600 x 1067. Max is 1080 x 1920.

  • Ideal Dimensions: 1080 ten 1920px
  • Ideal Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Video Length: each story up to 15 seconds

IG Stories video minimum resolution is 600 10 1067. Max is 1080 10 1920. The maximum length of a video is also fifteen seconds. If you upload longer videos, Instagram will cut the video upwards into Story clips automatically up to one infinitesimal long.

Videos must be in MP4 or MOV file format and have a minimum frame rate of 30 FPS (frames per second) and a minimum resolution of 720 pixels. The maximum file size is 4 GB.

Instagram Stories was launched in 2016 and speedily dubbed a clone of Snapchat that would impale off the platform entirely! 😱

While that hasn't happened, Instagram Stories has definitely emerged the winner in imperceptible content.

IG Stories has a ton of value for brands and businesses when delivering:

  • Content yous don't experience "worthy" of your feed
  • Content that provides a meliorate await into the personality of your brand
  • In-the-moment updates and but-for-fun peeks behind the scenes
  • Highlight seasonal offers similar Target does on a regular basis.

As I mentioned higher up, Stories are a great fashion to engage your audience in a whole new way.

Instead of feed or Instagram live video that feels more structured, planned for and scheduled, Stories can be shared throughout the day, at any time, and in a diverseness of ways.

Instagram Story Video Ideas:

  • Behind-the-scenes
  • Product launch
  • How-to
  • Team highlight
  • New location
  • Announcement
  • Teaser
  • Press release
  • Podcast episode
  • New blog post

Instagram Carousel Video

  • Ideal Dimensions: 1080 x 1080px
  • Ideal Aspect Ratio: 1:ane, iv:5, 16:9

The minimum size requirement for carousel videos is 600 10 700. The max size allowed is 1080 10 1080.

You might be familiar with carousel images, merely did yous know yous can use video in the same way? In the click of a button, you can choose multiple videos and add together them to one postal service. 😍

Use carousel video to:

  • Tell a bigger story
  • Turn 1 video into multiple (shorter) video clips,
  • or create an experience around your brand, squad, product, or service similar Buzzfeed Tasty does with every video they share.

*Of import Note: Carousel videos practice not show the video icon like typical videos on Instagram. Instead, they evidence the carousel icon in the upper right mitt corner.

Now that yous have a full general idea of Instagram video options, allow's take a look at required video specs across each Instagram feature.

Plus, run across how more than tips on how to strategically use that characteristic in your business!

Instagram Reels Video

  • Platonic Dimensions: 1080 10 1920px
  • Ideal Aspect Ratio: 9:xvi
  • Video Length: upward to 60 seconds

Instagram TV (IGTV ) Video

  • Ideal Dimensions: 1080 x 1920px
  • Platonic Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Video Length: 15 seconds to 10 minutes

Videos on your Instagram feed must be between 3 – lx seconds long, but if you have a longer video to share, consider uploading it to IGTV instead – yous tin can add a preview of the video to your Instagram feed! On a normal business relationship, IGTV videos tin be up to ten minutees long. Larger accounts with over 10,000 followers and verified brand accounts can upload videos up to 60 minutes long, but they must exist uploaded via desktop. (As always, videos must exist in MP4 or MOV file format.)

Skillful news! Yous can now upload your IGTV videos in 9:xvi portrait aspect ratio, or in landscape (16:9). Videos should accept a minimum frame rate of xxx FPS (frames per 2d) and minimum resolution of 720 pixels. The maximum file size for videos that are 10 minutes or less is 650MB. The maximum file size for videos up to hr is 3.6GB.

Your use of IGTV could include annihilation from showcasing your team to sneak peeks, product launches, demonstrations, and any other binge-worthy content your audience will eat up.

As a brand, Netflix uses IGTV to connect you one-on-one with serial regulars as well as take yous behind-the-scenes on some of your favorite shows.

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Cover Photograph Size

Y'all tin upload a custom encompass photograph for your IGTV video to go on things on-make. The recommended size for comprehend photos is 420px by 654px (or 1:1.55 ratio). Choose your encompass carefully though! Right now, yous can't edit your encompass photo after y'all've uploaded it.

Instagram Stories Video Example

Instagram Alive Video

  • Ideal Dimensions: 1080 x 1920px
  • Ideal Attribute Ratio: 9:16
  • Video Length: up to 60 minutes

Video Length

Instagram Live videos must be a maximum of 60 minutes long. That's right, you can broadcast to your followers for upwardly to a full hour!

Video File Type

  • Videos must exist in MP4 or MOV file format.

IG Live Video Resolution and Size

Instagram Live videos have the same specs as Story videos, pregnant:

  • Videos should exist vertical (not mural) with an attribute ratio of nine:16.
  • Videos should have a minimum frame charge per unit of 30 FPS (frames per 2nd) and a minimum resolution of 720 pixels.
  • The maximum file size is 4 GB.

Instagram Live Content

Instagram Live is exactly what you're accustomed to with Facebook Live. With the click of a button, yous can go live and interact in real-fourth dimension with your audience.

Utilise Instagram Live to walk your audition through a specific process, share your favorite tips, answer community frequently asked questions, or merely motivate and encourage your audience like Chalene Johnson does.

To become Live on Instagram:

  • Tap in the acme left of the screen or swipe right from anywhere in Feed.
  • Tap Alive at the bottom of the screen, then tap Go Live.
  • If y'all're on an iOS device, you can tap in the lesser correct to add photos and videos from your camera roll to your live video. To end displaying your photo or video, swipe right and tap. Go along in mind that but you can see the photos and videos in your camera roll while y'all're sharing a live video.
  • When you lot're done, tap End in the elevation right then tap to ostend. From there, you tin tap Save in the superlative right to relieve it to your camera ringlet, or share information technology to your story.

Now that you take a general idea of Instagram video options, allow'southward take a expect at required video specs across each Instagram feature.

Plus, see how more tips on how to strategically utilise that feature in your business!

Video File Type

Instagram accepts either MP4 or MOV file formats in Instagram videos. H.264 MP4 is the best file format for Instagram video uploads and will help you preserve the quality of your video after upload!

What to Know Virtually Instagram Compression

Information technology'due south true – Instagram automatically compresses videos (and photos) upon upload, and in that location's no way to avoid information technology. The platform does this to salve room on it'due south servers with billions of pieces of content being uploaded a day. Notwithstanding, all is not lost!

If you discover that your Instagram videos are existence compressed, or showing poor quality after upload, consider pre-formatting your video earlier upload. You should change the file format to MP4, adjust the frame rate, and/ or use a video conversion plan to preserve your video and prepare information technology for upload.

Instagram Feed Content

Using video in your feed should be 2d nature for well-nigh at this bespeak. But, if you oasis't begun yet, hither are a few ways to create it without calculation a agglomeration of extra hours to your twenty-four hour period.

All-time Tools To Create Instagram Video

Tools similar the ones below make it easy to record, edit, and share your videos.

  • FilmoraGo
  • InShot
  • Videorama
  • Adobe Spark
  • Placeit

Once your video is complete, add information technology to Tailwind, schedule for your best time to post to Instagram, write your description, so scout the hashtag magic happen!

As yous type your description, Tailwind will brainstorm to suggest the best hashtags for your content.

No more searching, saving, and fumbling for the correct hashtags, let Tailwind do the heavy lifting for yous! 😍

Why You Should Be Using Instagram Video

Instagram video hasn't been around since day one, only it has received an overwhelming amount of adoption and characteristic back up from the platform. From Boomerang, Instagram Stories, Instagram Live, and IGTV, the options for reaching new audiences and connecting are endless.

Just have a look at Mention's Instagram Engagement Written report and you'll see the incredible touch of video on Instagram.

95 one thousand thousand photos and videos are shared on Instagram every day, only those video stats! 🙌

  • Video performs amend—on average—than other types of content on Instagram when it comes to generating date.
  • Video posts receive more than 2x more comments than other types of posts.
  • Video posts generated an average of 150 comments.
  • Video posts received on average the highest number of likes.


Basically, if yous aren't using Instagram video even so, you demand to be.

Final Thoughts

The key for your utilize of Instagram video is to place the topics nigh appealing to your audience, flesh out those topics into brusk, bite-sized videos, so choose a 24-hour interval that you lot'll consistently share your video content.

As with anything else, showing upwardly on a regular basis is one-half the battle, but worth the fight when it leads to increased appointment.

*Hint hint: Doing this doesn't take to exist difficult when you use Tailwind to schedule your Instagram content! 🙌

What type of video will you lot get-go using on Instagram for your business? Share with us in the comments below!

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Instagram Video Sizes & Dimensions - Landscape, Square, Portrait, Story video aspect ratios and specs. Landscape 1080 x 5566 Pixels 1.91:1 Ratio Square 1080 x 1080 Pixels 1:1 ratio Portrait 1080 x 1350 Pixels 4:5 Ratio


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