Cant Get to the Home Screen of Ubuntu Again

One of the more common and arguably most frustrating bugs experienced by Ubuntu users is the login boot loop. When you try to log in to Ubuntu after starting upward, you lot get taken right back around to the aforementioned login screen, and the procedure repeats indefinitely.

Information technology might seem similar you're out of luck, but in that location are a couple of means to break the loop. The most common cause is a strange permission outcome with a file Ubuntu needs to showtime the graphical desktop. You lot can work your style around information technology by entering the command line shell and correcting the file permission. It's a quick gear up, and information technology works in most cases.

Log in to the Shell

Ubuntu Login Screen

First Ubuntu like you normally would. Let it become all the way to the login screen. When you get there, don't sign in. Instead, press Ctrl + Alt+F3 on your keyboard. Ubuntu will drop out of the graphical login screen and into a blackness and white concluding.

Ubuntu Terminal Prompt

Enter your username in the prompt, then provide your countersign when asked. You lot'll go far in a familiar-looking concluding screen. Yous can navigate hither exactly like yous do in your graphical final windows.

Ubuntu Terminal Logged In
Ubuntu Lookup Xauthority

The file you need to check is in your domicile folder. Later logging in, yous should already be there. The file is a hidden "dot file," and so you lot're going to need to use the right flags when looking it upwards. Search using ls and grep in the post-obit command.

Yous should run across the file listed with the permissions first, followed past the username and group that ain it. If you run into "root" listed there, you've found the source of the problem.

Change the Permissions of Xauthority

Now that you know what'south causing the problem, it's time to set information technology correct. Instead of root, your user and group should own that Xauthority file. You tin can change the ownership by running the chown command with sudo.

Call back to replace username with your own username.

That should go off without a hitch, so you're gear up to try logging in again. Press Ctrl + Alt + F7 to return to your normal login screen. Log in to Ubuntu!

Other Options

If that didn't piece of work, or your Xresources file was owned by your regular user, y'all have a couple of other options to endeavor. These aren't necessarily guaranteed either, but they're worth a try.

Change "/tmp" permissions

Sometimes the "/tmp" folder, which stores the temporary files your computer is working on, experiences the verbal aforementioned issue equally the Xauthority folder. The procedure of fixing it is very similar.

Ubuntu TMP Permissions

Go ahead and log in to the terminal over again, then check the permissions of "/tmp."

Yous're looking at the permissions for the top entry, the single "." If they look like "drwxrwxrwt," you're okay. If non, you should reset them to that state with chmod and sudo.

Reinstall Your Desktop Surround

If you're having absolutely zero luck in getting to your desktop and continue going dorsum to the login screen even after you've tried all this stuff, you lot're probably encountering issues with your display director (the login screen you're frustrated with) and the way information technology's communicating with the desktop surroundings.

To fix this, we'll have to practise something a piffling more drastic and perform a make clean re-install of your desktop environs.

Showtime by going dorsum into the console or terminal mode and removing the DE packet for your distro:

If yous installed some other desktop surroundings alongside it, remove information technology likewise (e.g., plasma-desktop). For now, don't carp reinstalling those. We'll only be getting back "ubuntu-desktop" during this procedure to make certain you lot reboot into the purest environment possible.

To make this procedure more rigorous, we'll demand to operate with a fully updated and clean organisation.

Not bad! Y'all should accept a shiny, make clean Ubuntu distro running no desktop environment at all by now.

At present, install Ubuntu Desktop.

Before you do anything else, call back to reboot:

With any luck, one of these methods solved the problem, and you lot're able to log in to Ubuntu as usual.

Oftentimes Asked Questions

ane. Is this just Ubuntu-related?

No, while testing login loop scenarios, the aforementioned problems appear in every other distro that is using the X11 server, and in some scenarios, fifty-fifty in Wayland.

The suggestions in this article work perfectly for other distros as long as y'all proceed in heed that they use unlike package managers and accept different parcel names. For case, to reinstall a desktop in Arch, I'd do:

The procedure is like but the flags in the start command perform the duties Ubuntu would with a few others.

2. How do I prevent this issue?

The best fashion to forestall organization breakages is to make consistent updates and backup. Ane of my favorite tools to do this with is timeshift. Installing this application makes y'all capable of performing powerful incremental backups of your system that work in a similar way to how Windows' System Restore works (except information technology'due south faster!).

To create a backup:

To start the restoration wizard:

To list your backups:

It'due south very unproblematic to use, even for people who are just starting to understand the terminal. If you can kick to desktop, yous can also manage timeshift through its GUI application!

three. I am trying to get into terminal mode but continue getting my original login screen. What do I practise?

This could be considering your organization for whatever reason decided to run your brandish managing director on that particular TTY session. Each Ctrl + Alt + F-central combination takes you to a unlike session. Try a different office key in that combination.

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